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sepmd Utility—Back Up the PMDB

The sepmd utility lets you back up the Policy Model database.

This command has the following format:

sepmd {-bl|-ul} pmd
sepmd -bd pmd destination
sepmd -bh pmd destination backup_host

Backs up pmd to the directory destination.


Backs up pmd to the directory destination for Policy Models in a hierarchy. That is, the backup modifies the PMDB subscribers so that the subscription still works when the backup is moved to the backup_host host.


Locks the pmd so that it does not propagate commands to subscribers.

Use this if the Policy Model has subscribers and you want to make sure updates are not accepted while the backup is in process.


Unlocks a locked pmd.


Defines the name of the host where you intend to move the backup host to.


Defines the name of the directory where you want the PMDB files to be backed up to.


Defines the Policy Model database, which is located in the location specified by the _pmd_directory_ configuration setting.

Example: Back Up a PMDB

The following command back up a PMDB named myPMDB to the /tmp/my_pmdb directory:

sepmd -bd pmdb /tmp/my_pmdb

You can now manage the PMDB as required:

selang -d /tmp/my_pmdb

Example: Back Up a PMDB with Subscribers

The following commands show you how to back up a PMDB that has subscribers and then move the PMDB to a different host:

  1. Lock the PMDB:
    sepmd -bl mainPMDB

    CA ControlMinder locks the PMDB so that it does not send or receive updates.

  2. Back up the PMDB:
    sepmd -bh mainPMDB /tmp/my_pmdb host63

    CA ControlMinder backs up the PMDB to the /tmp/my_pmdb

    On UNIX, CA ControlMinder updates subscribers.dat with the backup host name you specified.

    On Windows, CA ControlMinder creates a pmd.reg file, which is a dump of the pmd registry settings with the Parent_Pmd configuration setting value changed to match the new host you specified.

  3. Unlock the PMDB:
    sepmd -ul mainPMDB

    CA ControlMinder unlocks the PMDB.

  4. Transfer the PMDB backup to its new host.

    Note: The new host must have the same OS and CA ControlMinder version as the current computer.

  5. (Windows only). Import the mainPMDB.reg file into the registry on the new host.

    You can now continue to use the PMDB as you normally would.