Valid on UNIX
The sedbpchk utility creates a backup copy of the database. It copies the runtime database to a temporary location, performs various database integrity checks on the temporary database, and, if the database passes the checks, copies the temporary database into a backup location.
If the database does not pass the integrity tests, sedbpchk tries to determine whether any updates were applied to the database while the copy was being made. If there were updates, the conclusion that the database is corrupted may not be accurate.
If there were no updates while the database was being copied, the conclusion that the database is corrupted is probably true. In that case, a mail message is sent to the system administrator, who can then use the backup directory to override the corrupted runtime database.
Note: This script is not foolproof. It may conclude that a database is corrupted when it is not. However, the conclusion that a database is okay is always accurate.
You must have root and ADMIN privileges to run this script. Before using sedbpchk, we recommend that you review the script, located in ACInstallDir/lbin as, to confirm that the values of the following fields match the needs of your site.
Specifies the name of the user who is sent the notification that the database is corrupt.
Specifies the number of times the utility checks the database when it suspects that the database is corrupted before sending the notification.
Specifies the location of the CA ControlMinder installation directory.
Specifies the location of the CA ControlMinder binary files directory.
Specifies the location of the CA ControlMinder runtime database directory.
Specifies the location of the backup database directory.
Specifies the location of the temporary database directory.
Note: This utility is supplied as a script file; you need to specify the .sh extension to run it.
This command has the following format:
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