A group is a set of users who usually share the same access authorizations. Administrators can add users to groups, remove users from groups, and assign or deny access to system resources by group. This type of group exists in both native OS and CA ControlMinder.
The group record contains information about the group. The most important information stored in the group record is the list of users who are members of the group.
Important! Authorization rules for a group record apply recursively for each user in the group's hierarchy.
For example, Group A has two members: User X and Group B. User Y is a member of Group B. When you change an authorization rule for Group A, CA Access Control applies the changed authorization rule to all the users and groups in the Group A hierarchy, that is, User X, Group B, and User Y.
Information in a group record is stored in properties.
In CA ControlMinder, a group administrator can manage group functions for the specific group in which the group administrator is defined. A group password manager can change the password of group members.
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