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Configure the Connection to the DMS

During installation, CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management is configured to work against the Deployment Map Server (DMS) that is installed on the Enterprise Server. To create a custom connection to a different DMS, you need to configure it for your environment by configuring the connection to the custom DMS.

Note: During installation, CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management creates a default connection to the DMS on the Enterprise Management Server using the ac_entm_pers user account.

To configure the connection to the DMS

  1. In CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management, do as follows:
    1. Click System.
    2. Click Connection Management subtab.
    3. Expand the DMS tree in the task menu on the left.

    The Create Connection task appears in the list of available tasks.

  2. Click Create Connection.

    The Create Connection task page appears.

  3. Complete the fields in the dialog. The following fields are not self-explanatory:
    Connection Name

    Defines the name you want to use for this connection.

    Connection Type

    Indicates the type of connection you are creating (AC).


    (Optional) Defines a description for this connection.

    Host Name

    Defines the name of the DMS you want CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management to work against.

    Format: DMSName@hostName

    For example, to use the default DMS that installs when you install CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management on host, type:

    User ID

    Defines the name of a user with administrative rights to the DMS.

    We recommend that you use a dedicated proxy user you create and not use the default administrative user to perform CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management actions on behalf of the logged in user.

    Note: DMS audit records will show that the defined proxy user executed database commands on behalf of the user who is logged in to CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management.


    Defines the password of the user with administrative rights to the DMS.

    Default Connection

    Specifies whether this is the connection that CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management uses by default when you log in.

    Note: If you specify a default connection, you need to log out and log back in before the connection is established.

    Click Submit.

    CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management uses the information you specified to try to log in to the DMS. If the information is correct, the connection is set and you can now use CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management to manage your enterprise deployment of CA ControlMinder. If the information is incorrect and CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management cannot log in to the DMS, an error message appears with the reason the connection could not be established.