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Use the Wrapper Script to Run sesu

Using the wrapper scripts to run the sesu utility lets you run it on operating systems where it does not work when CA ControlMinder is not loaded.

Note: You only need to follow this procedure if the sesu utility does not run when CA ControlMinder is not loaded.

To use wrapper scripts to run sesu

  1. Open the script in a text editor.

    The wrapper script displays in the text editor.

  2. If necessary, change the following two variables:

    Defines the CA ControlMinder installation directory. By default, this is set to the default installation directory:


    Defines the name of the original su system binary that you need to replace. By default, this is set to:

  3. Replace the su symbolic link to point to the wrapper script rather than to the sesu utility.

    Whenever you run su, the sesu wrapper script runs the sesu utility.