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selang Environments

In addition to working on the local CA ControlMinder database, selang can be used to modify the native (Windows or UNIX) database, the local Policy Model database (PMDB), a database on a remote host (Windows or UNIX) where CA ControlMinder is installed, or on CA ControlMinder configuration settings. To switch environments, use the env (environment) command, which is available in all environments.

Some commands are the same in the different environments, but they may have different parameters and arguments. You should, therefore, check the syntax carefully when beginning to work in a new environment.

Note: When you are entering the native property of a command using env, the command is entered in both the native environment and current environment.

The following environments are supported:





Policy Model

env pmd

All selang commands operate on the local PMDB.

Native Windows

env nt

All selang commands modify the Windows database.


env ac

All selang commands operate on the CA ControlMinder database.

Note: This is the default.

Native UNIX

env unix

All selang commands operate on the security files of the local UNIX host.


env native

All selang commands operate in the native environment of the host.

Remote Configuration

env config

All selang commands operate on the CA ControlMinder configuration settings for the host.

More information:

environment Command—Set the Security Environment

Classes in the AC Environment

Classes in the UNIX Environment

Classes in the Windows Environment