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Where Are Sample Policies Stored?

CA ControlMinder installs sample policies into the following directory:


Defines the directory where CA ControlMinder is installed.

There are three (3) subdirectories in this location:

CA ControlMinder provides the policies as text files that contain the selang script that executes the policy. Each policy also has a matching policy that you can use to undeploy the protection policy. You deploy and undeploy the policies from CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management.

Sample policies have the following naming convention: OS_ACTION


Defines the operating system the policy is designed for.


Specifies the policy action the script takes.

Values: deploy and undeploy

For example, the following file contains the sample deployment policy for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0: _LINUX40_deploy.txt

Note: Application policies do not have an undeployment script.