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chusr Command—Modify UNIX Users

Valid in the native UNIX environment

Use the chgusr, editusr, and newusr commands to work with UNIX users. These commands are identical in structure and vary only in the following ways:

Note: Users are read, added, updated, and deleted from the file specified in the configuration settings (seos.ini); by default, this file is /etc/passwd. For more information, see the Endpoint Administration Guide for UNIX.

Note: This command also exists in the CA ControlMinder environment but operates differently there.

This command has the following format:

{{chusr|cu}|{editusr|eu}|{newusr|nu}} userName \
[enable] \
[gecos(string)] \
[homedir({path|nohomedir})] \
[password(string)] \
[pgroup(groupName)] \
[shellprog(path)] \

Enables the login of a user account that was disabled for any reason. This is a chusr and editusr parameter.


Specifies a string containing general comments about the user, such as the user's full name. Enclose the string in single quotation marks.


Specifies the full path of the user's home directory. CA ControlMinder attempts to create the directory. If the path you specify ends with a slash, groupname is concatenated to the specific path.The UNIX file is updated, regardless of whether CA ControlMinder successfully creates the home directory.

If you specify nohomedir, UNIX does not create a homedir for the user.


Assigns a password to the user. Specify any character except a blank space. The password is valid for one login only. When the user next logs in to the system, a new password must be set.


Specifies the user's primary group name.


Specifies the full path of the initial program or shell that is executed after the user invokes the login command or the su command.


Specifies the user's unique numeric ID, used for unique discretionary access control. Enter a decimal number greater than 100; values less than 100 are not accepted.


The name of an existing UNIX user. When changing more than one user, enclose the list of user names in parentheses and separate the names with a space or a comma.

More information:

ch[x]usr Command—Change User Properties

showusr Command—Display Native User Properties

rmusr Command—Delete UNIX User