Each object in the DEPLOYMENT class represents a policy deployment task. CA ControlMinder creates the deployment task automatically on the DMS when you assign or unassign a policy to a host, or when you directly deploy or undeploy a policy. It is also created when you add (assign) or remove (unassign) a host to or from a host group that has assigned policies, downgrade or upgrade a policy on a host, and reset or restore a host.
Endpoints use this object as a work order: they deploy or undeploy policy versions based on the information in a pending DEPLOYMENT object. Each work order is intended for one endpoint and contains information about the policy version that needs to be deployed on the endpoint. In addition, the DEPLOYMENT object has a status property which indicates whether deployment was successful or not and a result property (result_message) which contains the selang command output from the policy deployment task.
Note: A deployment task can be empty (has no action status) if the policy already exists on the HNODE as a result of another assignment path.
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