When you deploy a stored policy to target databases, CA ControlMinder creates deployment tasks automatically on the DMS. A deployment task (a DEPLOYMENT object) is a work order, generated by the DMS for execution on the endpoint. Each deployment task is intended for one endpoint and contains information about the policy version that needs to be deployed on the endpoint.
Note: CA ControlMinder uses a different deployment method to deploy UNAB login and config policies.
The method you use to deploy the stored policy affects the deployment tasks that CA ControlMinder creates. The following shows the results of choosing different methods:
CA ControlMinder creates, for each host, a deployment task for the latest finalized version of the policy.
CA ControlMinder creates, for each host that is a member of one of the host groups, a deployment task for the latest finalized version of the policy.
CA ControlMinder creates for the new host a deployment task for the latest finalized version of the policy.
CA ControlMinder creates, for the host, a deployment task for the latest finalized version of the policy.
CA ControlMinder creates, for each policy that should be deployed on the host, a deployment task for the policy version that is effective on the host.
CA ControlMinder creates, for each host, a deployment task for the latest finalized policy version if the version stored on the host is newer than the one that is deployed on the host.
Example: Assign a Policy to a Host
If you assign policy IIS to hosts host1.comp.com and host2.comp.com, CA ControlMinder creates two deployment tasks: a task to deploy the latest IIS policy version on host1.comp.com and a task to deploy the latest IIS policy version on host2.comp.com.
Example: Assign a Policy to a Host Group
The host group Servers has two members: hostA.comp.com and hostB.comp.com. If you assign policy IIS to the host group Servers, CA ControlMinder creates two deployment tasks: a task to deploy the latest IIS policy version on hostA.comp.com and a task to deploy the latest IIS policy version on hostB.comp.com.
Example: Add a Host to a Host Group That Has Assigned Policies
The host group Servers has two assigned policies (IIS and ORACLE). If you add host test.comp.com to the host group, CA ControlMinder creates two deployment tasks: a task to deploy the latest IIS policy version on test.comp.com and a task to deploy the latest ORACLE policy version on test.comp.com.
Example: Restore a Host
A host has two policies assigned: policy1 and policy2. If you restore the host, CA ControlMinder creates two deployment tasks: a task to deploy the latest finalized policy1 version and a task to deploy the latest finalized policy2 version on the host.
Example: Upgrade a Deployed Policy
Policy IIS is deployed on two hosts, host1.comp.com and host2.comp.com, but the latest version of policy IIS is not deployed to host1.comp.com. If you upgrade policy IIS on both hosts, CA ControlMinder creates only one deployment task to deploy the latest IIS policy version on host1.comp.com.
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