SAM 自动登录应用程序使用 Visual Basic 脚本来启用自动用户登录。 您可以自定义 Visual Basic 脚本,以便创建新登录应用程序或修改现有登录应用程序。
从企业管理服务器下载到客户端计算机时,SAM 自动登录应用程序脚本会包含 ActiveX 以值替换的变量。 企业管理服务器处理脚本,并以值替换关键字。 然后,ActiveX 执行客户端计算机上的脚本。
SAM 自动登录应用程序脚本位于以下目录:
SAM 登录应用程序脚本包含以下键:
(Active Directory) 指定特权帐户域名
指定 ACLauncher ActiveX 用于检查帐户密码签入事件的 URL。
在用户注销端点的情况下,指定 ACLauncher ActiveX 用于签入帐户密码的 URL。
如果会话记录在 ObserverIT Enterprise,指定 ACLauncher ActiveX 用于发送已记录会话 ID 的 URL。
SAM 自动登录应用程序脚本的以下片段显示变量如何出现:
Set pupmObj = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = pupmObj.LauncheRDP("#host#", "#userDomain#\#userName#", "#password#") ' Set window close event pupmObj.SetWindowCloseEvent(hwnd) ' Set server checkin event pupmObj.SetServerCheckinEvent("#isActiveServletUrl#") ' Wait until one of the events signaled rc = pupmObj.WaitForEvents() If rc = 1 Then 'user has closed the window - notify the server side pupmObj.SendCheckinEvent("#CheckinUrl#") ElseIf rc = 2 Then 'timeout elapsed - close the window call pupmObj.CloseWindow(hwnd, 0) ElseIf rc = 3 Then 'the account was checkedin at the server side - close the window call pupmObj.CloseWindow(hwnd, 120) End If
SAM 自动登录应用程序脚本结构如下所示:
Set pupmObj = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher")
hwnd = pupmObj.LauncheRDP("#host#", "#userDomain#\#userName#", "#password#")
' Wait until one of the events signaled rc = pupmObj.WaitForEvents() If rc = 1 Then 'user has closed the window - notify the server side pupmObj.SendCheckinEvent("#CheckinUrl#") ElseIf rc = 2 Then 'timeout elapsed - close the window call pupmObj.CloseWindow(hwnd, 0) ElseIf rc = 3 Then 'the account was checkedin at the server side - close the window call pupmObj.CloseWindow(hwnd, 120) End If
Set observeIT = CreateObject("ObserverIT.AgentAPI.Proxy")
'Get application processid processID = pupmObj.GetWindowProcessID(hwnd) 'Start recording sessionid = observeIT.StartByProcessID(processID, true) 'Send the sessions if to the ENTM server pupmObj.AssignSessionID "#SessionidUrl#" ,sessionId
'Stop recording
observeIT.StopBySessionId sessionId, true
ACLauncher ActiveX 使用以下方法:
LauncheRDP (BSTR bsHostName, BSTR bsUserName, BSTR bsPassword, VARIANT *phWindow);
示例:Dim test Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") Hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("", "hostname\administrator", "password")
LaunchePUTTY (BSTR bsHostName, BSTR bsUserName, BSTR bsPassword, VARIANT *phWindow);
启动带有输入凭据的 PuTTY 会话并返回 PuTTY 窗口句柄
示例:Dim test Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") Hwnd = test。 LaunchePUTTY ("", "root", "password")
LauncheProcessAsUser (BSTR bsApplication, BSTR bsCommandline, BSTR bsUsername, BSTR bsPassword, VARIANT *phWindow);
示例:Dim test Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") Hwnd = test.LauncheProcessAsUser("cmd.exe", "/k echo This console is run under %USERNAME% account...", "administrator" , "password")
GetWindowProcessID(VARIANT *phWindow, LONG *pProcessID);
返回指定窗口句柄的过程 ID
示例:Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("hostname", "administrator", "password") id = test.GetWindowProcessID(hwnd) test.Echo "Process ID = " & id
GetWindowTitle(VARIANT *phWindow, BSTR *pbsTitle);
返回指定窗口句柄的标题 ID
示例:Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("hostname", "administrator", "password") title = test.GetWindowTitle(hwnd)
CloseWindow(VARIANT *phWindow, LONG Seconds);
显示对话框,消息指定窗口将在 X 秒内关闭,并关闭指定窗口句柄的窗口
示例:Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("hostname", "administrator", "password") test.Sleep(5000) test.CloseWindow(hwnd, 60)
SetTimeoutEvent(LONG seconds);
为“WaitForEvents”方法指定超时。 一旦到达超时值,WaitForEvents 方法则从其阻止调用返回一个返回值,表示到达超时
示例:Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("hostname", "administrator", "password") test.SetTimeoutEvent(10)
SetWindowCloseEvent(VARIANT *phWindow);
指定“WaitForEvents”方法的窗口闭事件。 关闭窗口之后,“WaitForEvents”方法从其阻止调用返回并显示返回值,这些返回值表示窗口已关闭
示例:Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("hostname", "administrator", "password") test.SetWindowCloseEvent(hwnd)
SetServerCheckinEvent(BSTR bsURL);
将 SAM 签入事件设置为块执行条件。 每 5 秒 ActiveX 查询 SAM
示例:Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("hostname", "administrator", "password") test.SetServerCheckinEvent("") (replace with variable)
WaitForEvents(VARIANT *pRetVal);
示例:Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("hostname", "administrator", "password") test.SetServerCheckinEvent("")
test.SetWindowCloseEvent(hwnd) test.SetTimeoutEvent(360) rc = test.WaitForEvents() If rc = 3 Then call test.CloseWindow(hwnd, 10) End If
SwitchToThisWindow(VARIANT *phWindow);
定位 Z 顺序顶端的窗口
示例:Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("hostname", "administrator", "password") test.SwitchToThisWindow(hwnd)
SendCheckinEvent(BSTR bsURL);
示例:Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.LauncheRDP("hostname", "administrator", "password")
Sleep(LONG milliseconds);
Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.Sleep(2000)
Echo(VARIANT* pArgs);
Set test = CreateObject("ACLauncher.ACWebLauncher") hwnd = test.Echo("Password Checkin")
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