Previous Topic: cawto-Send a Message to the ConsoleNext Topic: cawto (Windows only)

cawto (UNIX/Linux, z/OS)

cawto [-a attribute]
      [-c color]
      [-g category]
      [-n node]
      [-s source]

External Influences


Environment variable that you can set to an alternate node. If this variable is set and cawto is issued without a node specification, the value of CAI_WTOR_NODE is used.



If the Event Management daemon or CAICCI is down, these files are created. This action lets the cawto and careply commands continue to function. The value of n is the message number the cawto command generated. The message number is identical to the process issuing the cawto command when the Event Management daemon or CAICCI is down.


The following example alerts the console operator on node 23 that the node is not accepting FTP connections, and asks for action to be taken. The message displays in red and remains on the node 23 system console as a kept message until released by the node 23 operator.

cawto -k -n 23 -c red node23 is not accepting ftp -- please investigate
-k keep

Displays the message as a kept message on the system console. The message can then be removed from the kept message display.

-n node

Node to which the message is directed which is one other than the node the user is on. If the node is not available, the message is sent to the local node.

-c color

The message displays on the system console in the identified color, which is other than the default. Supported colors:

Black (default), Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink, and Purple

Note: The color name is not case-sensitive.

-a attribute

The message displays on the system console in the identified attribute, which is other than the default. Supported attributes: DEFAULT, BLINK, or REVERSE

Note: The attribute name is not case-sensitive.

-s source

Assigns the identified source to the message for purposes of message matching.

-g category

Assigns the identified category to the message for purposes of message matching.


Node to which the message is directed. If the node is not specified, the message is sent to the local node. If CAI_WTOR_NODE is specified, the message is sent to the node corresponding to CAI_WTOR_NODE.


Specify from 1 to 255 alphanumeric bytes of message text.

Note: Since the cawto command is issued from the command line, the text string you specify is subject to evaluation by the shell you are executing. Embedded blanks, special characters, and quotes in the text string require special consideration. See the documentation that is provided with your operating system for the rules and guidelines regarding text strings.