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storectrl-Store Database Utility

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

storectrl provides a low-level command interface for the Agent Technology object stores. Use storectrl to display class definitions and object information that is stored in the Agent Technology stores:


Managed by



aws_sadmin process

all platforms


aws_dsm process

DSM on remote distributed system


aws_store process

DSM on remote distributed system

You can also use storectrl to add properties, change property values, delete properties, and delete objects. Only attempt these operations with the assistance of CA Technologies Support.



UNIX/Linux, z/OS





storectrl [ Store hostName micrObName ]
  Select propertyName=propertyValue [ propertyName=propertyValue ] End
	GetProperties propertyName [ propertyName ] * End
	SetProperties propertyName=propertyValue [ propertyName=propertyValue ] * End
	DeleteProperties propertyName [ propertyName ] * End
[ Store hostName micrObName ]

Required for z/OS

hostName micrObName-Specify the hostname where the store resides and the particular store.

Required except when issued against local object store. See the examples.

Default: objectStore (local)

Select propertyName=propertyValue
[ propertyName=propertyValue ] * End

Select one or more properties that match the specified values. Subsequent operations are performed on the selected class or object.


Display all properties (can follow a Select).

SetProperties propertyName=propertyValue
[ propertyName=propertyValue ] * End

Change values for one or more existing properties (if property exists) or create properties and set values.

2-DeleteProperties propertyName [ propertyName ] * End

Delete selected class or object.

Example 1 (local z/OS system)

Display all attribute names for the MIB of loaded agent exagent that is stored in local aws_sadmin:

storectrl Store localhost aws_sadmin
Select attrMib=exagent End
	GetProperties attrName End


Object : 0

attrName = exMonitorCnt

Object : 1

attrName = exHistStatus

Object : 2

attrName = exHistoryGroup

Object : 3

attrName = exFaultExcess


Note: The location of aws_sadmin must be specified even though it resides on the local system (because it is not the default, objectStore). "localhost" can be used to represent local host.

Example 2 (remote system with DSM)

Display property information about a DSM object, DemoAgt9:

storectrl Store USILCPCN AwNsm@USILCPCN Select moObjectName=DemoAgt9 End GetAllProperties


Object : 0


moObjectHost = USILCPCN

moObjectName = DemoAgt9


moObject_ccgVisible = 1

moObject_childPolicy = On

Example 3 (remote system with DSM)

Add a property "pollInterval2" to object DemoAgt9:

storectrl Store USILCPCN AwNsm@USILCPCN Select moObjectName=DemoAgt9 End SetProperties pollInterval2=300 End

Result, as shown by GetAllProperties:

Object : 0


moObjectHost = USILCPCN

moObjectName = DemoAgt9


moObject_ccgVisible = 1

moObject_childPolicy = On

pollInterval2 = 300

Example 4 (remote system with DSM)

Delete the new property previously added to object DemoAgt9:

storectrl Store USILCPCN AwNsm@USILCPCN Select moObjectName=DemoAgt9 End DeleteProperties pollInterval2 End

Result, as shown by GetAllProperties:

Object : 0


moObjectHost = USILCPCN

moObjectName = DemoAgt9


moObject_ccgVisible = 1

moObject_childPolicy = On

Example 5 (local system with DSM)

Display class properties for DemoAgt9 (using local object store):

storectrl Select moClassName=DemoAgt9 End GetAllProperties


Object : 0


moClassName = DemoAgt9


moClass_initialState = Agent:UP

moClass_defaultState = Agent:UP

moClass_CriticalStr = Critical

Example 6 (local system with DSM)

Delete a class property of DemoAgt9 (using local object store):

storectrl Select moClassName=DemoAgt9 End DeleteProperties moClass_defaultState End

Result, as shown by GetAllProperties:

Object : 0


moClassName = DemoAgt9


moClass_initialState = Agent:UP

moClass_CriticalStr = Critical

Note: If after deleting a property (such as moClass_defaultState in this example) you later add the property back, it appears at the end of the list when you display the properties.