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Start the catrapd Daemon

If catrapd was activated during the installation, Enterprise Management starts and stops catrapd.

Valid on Windows

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Configuration/Settings in the Enterprise Management folder.
  2. Click the Component Activation Tab.
  3. Set the SNMP Trap Server Activated (CAIACTRPTSV) option to Yes.

catrapd automatically detects and interfaces to the network manager if catrapd is activated on a node where a network manager:

Any received trap is unpacked (decoded) and sent to the Event Management console log where it is recorded. At the console log, the trap is also available for subsequent automatic mapping, interpretation, and action processing as defined by your Event Management policies.

Valid on UNIX/Linux, z/OS

If catrapd is activated on a node that does not have a network manager or the network manager is not active, catrapd connects directly to the internet service port designated for SNMP-trap. For z/OS, catrapd customarily uses port 161 to listen for traps. Define the protocol for the internet service port as UDP.

The usual way to start catrapd on zOS is by using the command:

unicntrl start snmp

Uncomment this line in the $CAIGLBL0000/opr/scripts/emstart script to start catrapd when the other Event Management components are started.

The catrapd daemon uses the system call getservbyname() to determine the actual port number to use. If this service has been modified, catrapd may not locate the correct port. Most operating systems with TCP/IP support use an /etc/services file. This file can be consulted to determine the port number that is reserved for the SNMP trap on that computer. On z/OS, the PROFILE file for the TCP/IP stack usually contains information about reserved ports. If port 161 is unavailable, use a different port and update file $CAIGLBL0000/snmp/scripts/envset to point to the chosen port as follows:

# port number to listen on
export CAICATD0001


The catrapd daemon receives a trap and presents it to the Event Management function in the following format:

.CATD_I_060 SNMPTRAP:  -c  public  Computer.Associates 999.999.9.999 xyzlhu33 6 1 00:00:00 1 OID: VALUE: hello world

Within the Event Management function of Enterprise Management, this message is divided into character "tokens,". These tokens can be tested individually or in combination as part of user-defined Event Management policies. The message in the preceding example has 17 tokens.






CA standard prefix.



Constant literal indicating this message originated as SNMP trap.



Indicates the beginning of the community parameter.



The community type.



The enterprise name, if found in the %CAIGLBL0000%\DB\enterprise.dat file (Windows) or $CAIGLBL0000/snmp/dat/enterprise.dat (UNIX/Linux, z/OS). If the enterprise ID is not found in the enterprise.dat file, the numeric value is printed.



The IP address of the node where the trap originated.



The node name of the originating machine.



As specified in the catrap command, a generic trap of 6 indicates an Enterprise‑specific code has been assigned.



As specified in the catrap command, the number of the specific trap.



The time stamp from the catrap command, displayed in hh:mm:ss.



The sequence number of the variable binding information from the catrap command.



Constant literal that describes the object that was the subject of this trap.


The object identifier of the object that was the subject of this trap.


Enterprise ID organization.



Constant literal.



A value as specified in the catrap command.



A value as specified in the catrap command.