This command monitors one or more address spaces. All WTOs from a monitored address space can be recorded on an ILOG or processed by an IMOD.


MONitor ADD {JOB jobname} {IMOD imodname|ILOG ilognum}
            {STC stcname}
            {TSU userid}
            {DASID dasid}
            {XASID xasid}
MONitor DELete {DASID dasid|XASID xasid}
MONitor STATus



Monitors the address space.


Stops monitoring the address space.


Displays currently monitored address spaces.

JOB jobname

Identifies the job that you want to monitor.

STC stcname

Identifies the started task that you want to monitor. (If started tasks have duplicate names, use the ASID specification.)

TSU userid

Identifies the address space (decimal) that you want to monitor.

DASID dasid

Identifies the address space (decimal) that you want to monitor.

XASID xasid

Identifies the address space (hexadecimal) that you want to monitor.

IMOD imodname

Executes an IMOD when the address space issues a WTO.

In place of imodname, specify a two-digit suffix (from 00 to 14, inclusive) for the name of the IMOD. The full IMOD name is ASID_nn.

ILOG ilognum

Records WTOs issued from the specified address space.


------------------------ CA‑GSS/ISERVE Control Panel -------------------------- ==> monitor add tsu ewf imod 00 => PAGE Target node: * ssid: * Host node: B1MAIN ssid ISRV ============================================================================== ASID (hex) Jobname ILOG IMOD ---------- -------- ---- ------- 93 005D DSNMSTR 1 95 005F DSNDBM1 1 99 0063 IRLMPROC 1 100 0064 DSNDIST 1 108 006C EWF ASID_00

Fields in the Examples

After you have issued a MONITOR ADD command, CA‑GSS displays the status of all monitored address spaces, as follows:


ID of the address space (decimal and hexadecimal) that is being monitored. All address spaces that are being monitored are summarized.


Job name, TSO user ID, or started-task name that is associated with the address space when monitoring was requested.


ILOG that is being used to record the text of all WTOs issued from the address space.


IMOD that is being executed for WTOs issued from the address space.

Other Responses

ASID, JOB, STC, or TSU not specified

You did not indicate which address space you want to monitor.

Neither IMOD nor ILOG specified

You failed to specify IMOD or ILOG followed by an appropriate value.


The specified jobname, TSO user ID, or started-task name is invalid or could not be located on the system.

IMOD value is invalid

The IMOD value must be a decimal number in the range of 0 through 14, inclusive.

ILOG value is invalid

The ILOG value must be a decimal number in the range of 0 through 14, inclusive.

ASID value is invalid

The specified address space does not exist on your system, or the value for XASID or DASID is syntactically invalid.

"ASID" is no longer valid

Use "XASID" to specify the ASID in hexadecimal.
Use "DASID" to specify the ASID in decimal.
The value asid is no longer a valid entry. Specify xasid or dasid.