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Causes execution of the specified IMOD. Control is returned to you immediately following the scheduling of the IMOD. Information is not returned and the scheduled IMOD could not be executed for various reasons, such as: IMOD not available.

Associated parameters:


Name of the IMOD to be executed. This parameter must be specified.


GoalNet node where the IMOD is executed. To be valid, your primary ISERVE must be a member of GoalNet and must be connected to the specified node.


Subsystem ID assigned to the ISERVE where the IMOD is executed. If NODE is not specified, the ISERVE must be executing under the same z/OS image where your program is running. If NODE is specified, the ISERVE must be executing under the same z/OS image as the ISERVE identified by NODE.


Optional character string that is passed to the IMOD as a REXX argument.


Length of the text that ARG= specifies. If ARG specifies literal text, ARGLEN can be omitted.