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aws_sadmin-SNMP Administrator

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

The SNMP Administrator checks the community string and internet protocol (IP) address of get, get-next, and set requests to ensure these requests come from authenticated management applications. This component forwards trap messages to the appropriate destinations. The SNMP Administrator stores configuration sets and MIB definitions for each agent on the node in memory. The SNMP Administrator also stores agent configuration information set during runtime.



UNIX/Linux, z/OS



aws_sadmin {install|remove|start|stop|status|debug|usage|version}
       [-@ servicesHost]
       [-d debugLevel]
       [-f logFile]
       [-p port_number]

Valid on z/OS

[-x cache-size] [-y cache-size] [-z cache-size]


To stop aws_sadmin and all running agents, leaving awservices, aws_orb, and any other Agent Technology components necessary to run the Distributed State Machine up, enter the following command:

aws_sadmin stop --andDependOn=yes



Forces aws_sadmin not to use internal cache to save memory.

-x cache-size

Valid on z/OS

Cache size for the objects table in kilobytes (KB).

Default: 256

-y cache-size

Valid on z/OS

Cache size for the properties table in kilobytes (KB).

Default: 512

-z cache-size

Valid on z/OS

Cache size for the votree table in kilobytes (KB).

Default: 512