The ADDFILE command adds a file to the CA-L‑Serv management. The CA‑L‑Serv file server controls access to all managed files.
ADDFILE ddname [dsname] [[GROUP(id)] [ LOGID(name)] [POOL(nn) [[BUFND(nn)] [BUFNI(nn)] [STRNO(nn)]]]...] [OPTION processing_option_list] [[JCLMEMBER(name)] [PASSWORD(xxxx)]]... [DISP (SHR|OLD)]
Determines how many data buffers are allocated for this file.
Values: 3 to 9999.
Default: 5
Determines how many index buffers are allocated for this file.
Values: 3 to 9999.
Default: 5
Represents the DD name of the file you want CA‑L‑Serv to manage.
Determines whether the file server requires exclusive use of the file. Specify one of the following values:
Specify SHR to allow shared access to the file. The file may be allocated to other users, but VSAM sharing options apply. The SHROPTIONS must be set as follows or integrity exposures will exist: SHROPTION=(1,3) or SHROPTION(2,3).
Specify OLD to require exclusive use of the file. VSAM sharing options are ignored and treated as SHROPTION=(1,3).
Default: SHR
Name of the file you want CA‑L‑Serv to manage. If you allocate the file through a DD statement in the CA-L‑Serv start‑up procedure, you can omit this parameter.
Note: With CA‑L‑Serv 3.5, the allocation of files using DD statements with a DISP of OLD to ensure that the CA‑L‑Serv region has exclusive control is no longer necessary. CA recommends that the DISP parm of the ADDFILE command be used instead.
Associates the file with a file group. If the file group does not exist, CA‑L‑Serv the file group under the group ID you provide. The group ID can be up to 8 characters long.
Identifies the partitioned data set member that contains JCL for archiving file groups automatically. The name of the data set must be included in the concatenation the //JCLLIB DD statement in the CA-L‑Serv start‑up procedure. Specify JCLMEMBER only when you also specify the GROUP and OPTION(SUBMIT) parameters.
Associates the file with a change log. Updates to the file are automatically recorded in this log.
Sets processing options for a file. Specify one or more of the following values:
For a file group, selects the last file that was written to and appends data to the end of the file. This parameter affects only initial file selection. Specify OPTION(APPEND) only when the GROUP parameter is also specified.
Defers write operations for a record until another operation needs the VSAM buffer or until MAXDORM (a parameter on the OPTIONS command) seconds have elapsed. Use DEFER only with LSR buffer pools.
Restricts access to input functions only. Update, insert, and erase functions are not allowed.
Pads the record being read with blanks until it is nn bytes long. Do not specify MINLEN unless directed to do so by the client documentation.
For a file group, automatically archives a file when it becomes full. Use the JCLMEMBER parameter to indicate where the JCL is for this batch job.
Trims trailing blanks from the data portion of variable‑length records.
These have a critical impact on performance. For CA-L-Server details, see the administrating topics.
1 through 8 character password that are required to open the file.
Indicates the type of VSAM buffer pool CA‑L‑Serv should use for this file.
When you use an LSR buffer pool, CA‑L‑Serv ignores the BUFND, BUFNI, and STRNO parameters.
Default: POOL(0)
Determines how many VSAM placeholders are allocated for a file assigned to a private buffer pool. This parameter limits the number of current requests that clients can make for the file.
Value: 3 to 255.
Default: 16
To place the DPMFSIF file under the CA-L‑Serv management and assign it to buffer pool 1:
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