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SRVBATCH lets the IMOD tasks execute in a batch environment. SRVBATCH terminates automatically when the last executing IMOD task is completed.

The OS operator commands MODIFY and STOP can be issued against SRVBATCH during execution. SRVBATCH supports all of the commands that CA‑GSS (SRVSYS) supports.

JCL Statement



'[member] imodname/[arg]'

The PARM field on the EXEC card is used to specify the PARMLIB member name, the name of the IMOD to be executed and, optionally, an argument string to be passed to the IMOD. The IMOD name must be the last field or immediately precede the first slash (/) character. To include an argument string, it follows the IMOD name separated by a slash (/). The slash character is discarded and is not passed as part of the argument.


Identifies the source of ISERVE initialization parameters. An optional file, but if provided, all parameters are checked for syntax, including parameters not used in a batch environment, such as WTO, COMMAND, and PRODUCT.

If PARMLIB is a PDS, the first word in the EXEC card PARM field should identify the PARMLIB member to be processed.


Specifies a SYSOUT data set that receives all logged information pertaining to initialization and execution. This file is optional and, unlike SRVSYS, it is not closed and spun.


This is an optional DD statement that can be used to define an ISET. During initialization, if the IMOD requested using the PARM field is not found in the ISETs loaded (those defined in PARMLIB), or if no ISETs were defined, the IMOD DD statement is searched for the desired IMOD.