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This command displays all ISETs that are currently accessible to ISERVE. The ISETs are sorted alphabetically by name.


Display ISet [DESC]



Includes the descriptions (if any) of the ISETs in the display.


------------------------ CA‑GSS/ISERVE Control Panel -------------------------- ==> display iset desc =>PAGE Target node: * ssid: * Host node: B1MAIN ssid ISRV ============================================================================== ISET VERSION DSNAME *SYSTEM* 02.07.01 Internally link-edited IMODs GSSTECH BASRE01.SVR.TECHIMOD CA‑GSS Technical Support GSSTEST CORPTECH.GSS.CSERV.SRV.TECHIMOD CA‑GSS Technical Support Test INSIGHT GSW.IV42INTG.IMOD IDB2 Development ISET INTERNAL CORPTECH.GSS.BASEIMOD Release 2.7 (Development) IMOD's JOBTRAC_COMMON APC.LV1JT.COMMON.ISET Jobtrac Support IMODs

Fields in the Example


ISET name.


Version number of the ISERVE editor last used to update the ISET. This value is obtained only when the ISET has been accessed to load one or more IMODs. Because not all ISETs are accessed at initialization, many of these fields are blank.


Data set name that is associated with the ISET and description (if any) of each ISET.

Usage Notes

An ISET must appear in this display before IMODs can be loaded from it. ISETs are defined with the initialization parameters or the ADD ISET command.