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This command displays information about z/OS console operator commands that are created using the COMMAND initialization parameter.


Display COmmands


----------------------- CA‑GSS/ISERVE Control Panel ------ ROW 1 TO 4 of 4 ==> display commands =>PAGE Target node: * ssid: * Host node: S18EWF ssid EWF =============================================================================== Command IMOD User ID ------------------- -------------------- --------------------- EWF $SRVC EWFX Prefix EWFX_CMDUSER


Command name.


Name of the IMOD that is invoked when the command is issued.

The word Prefix indicates that the IMOD name is derived by appending the first blank-delimited word after the command name to the value of the IMOD field.

User ID

User ID under which the IMOD executes. A blank indicates that the IMOD executes under the default CA‑GSS user ID (if one is defined) or the user ID for the CA‑GSS address space.