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CA-GSS extended functions set the RC special variable upon their completion. This action permits an IMOD to test for correct execution in a straightforward manner, by checking for RC = 0 or by trapping failures with SIGNAL ON conditions. SETRC() permits an IMOD that is called as an external subroutine or function to set the RC special variable in the calling IMOD.


oldval = SETRC([newval])



Previously set value for the RC special variable.


Value to be assigned to the RC special variable upon return from the current external subroutine or function. Specify a value from 0 to 255 (inclusive).

Default: The value is not changed, and the currently set value is returned.

Usage Notes


#desc IMOD to check for palindromes 
   parse upper value arg(1) arg1
   parse upper value arg(2) arg2
   arg2 = reverse(arg2)
   if arg1 = arg2 then return 'PALINDROME'
   x = stern(200)
   return 'NOT PALINDROME'