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This command extracts an IMOD from an IMOD file and writes the IMOD to a sequential file or a PDS.


EXTRACT IMOD {imodname|&LISTn} TO ddname1 FROM ddname2




Name of the list that contains the names of the IMODs to be extracted. See "NAME_LIST" for information on using name lists. If the target data set is sequential, all IMODs in the list are concatenated in the target data set. If the target data set is a PDS, each IMOD is copied to a separate member. Before beginning any extract, a list of member names is internally generated. The member names are the IMOD names when the IMOD names are eight characters or less. If an IMOD name exceeds eight characters, the member name is the last eight characters.

If the generated member name list contains any duplicates, the last character is replaced with uppercase A. If this still results in duplication, the last character is replaced with B, C, and so forth, until a unique name is produced. If the alphabet is exhausted and the name is still duplicated, the extract for that IMOD is suppressed.

The ADD/REPLACE operand applies to the generated member names.


DDname identifying the source IMOD file.


DDname identifying the target file.


For a PDS operation, specifies that members are to be added only. If the member exists, the extract is suppressed. This is the default.


For a PDS operation, specifies that members are always to be added. If the member exists, its content is replaced.


For a PDS operation on a single IMOD, the name operand permits you to specify the member name that is assigned in the target PDS. If you omit this operand, the IMOD name is used as the member name. If the IMOD name exceeds eight characters, the last eight characters are used.


When extracting to a PDS, requests that ISPF-compatible statistics be maintained in the target data set.


Adds the IMOD's sequence numbers as comment fields to the start of each record.


Copies compiler diagnostic messages along with the source.

Note: If a record is too long to be written to the output data set, it is truncated and a warning is written to the SYSPRINT file.