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The $SRV_SYS_STAT routine returns ISERVE status information.




No operands are expected and none are passed.

Returned Data

  1. The CA-GSS subsystem name.
  2. The JES NJE node name.
  3. SMF ID.
  4. GRS system name.
  5. CA-GSS job name.
  6. CA-GSS started task ID.
  7. Local system GoalNet node.
  8. Local system GoalNet LU name.
  9. Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss format.
  10. Amount of CPU time this task has used.
  11. Number of IMODs available.
  12. Number of IMODs executed.
  13. Number of REXX EXECs executed.
  14. Number of instructions executed.