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The LISTEN function lets a CLIST pause until one or more system events occur.

ENFC LISTEN EVENT(event1[,event2,...,event9])
EVENT(event1, ... )

Specifies the event types (from one to nine) for which you want to wait. These events must be defined in the CAIENF database.


Indicates the action to be taken after control returns to the CLIST.


Keeps the LISTEN active after control returns to the CLIST.

Note: If you specify YES, issue an ENFC TERM command when you finish LISTENing so that event data is not queued up.


Starts a new LISTEN every time ENFC is named. However, any events that occurred between the time of the first and second LISTENs are not returned to you.


Specifies a recovery date and time for events that have been logged. Beginning at this date and time, CAIENF returns the logged events for which you have been listening.