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staradmin-Administer stardaemon Process

Applies to UNIX/Linux only

On the UNIX system, the staradmin command is used to administer a running stardaemon process.

Note: You must have the root status to use this program.


staradmin [-c]



Cleans up the structures and processes that are being used. Does not exit the program.


Kills the daemon and all child processes. Exits the program.


Provides a full status from the daemon. Lists all information that the -s option provides, the names and nodes of users that are logged in to the stardaemon, and which outstanding processes are running.


Stops the daemon, but lets all child processes finish. Exits the program.

-r (filename)

Refreshes the configuration from the optional file supplied (filename) or from the default location, if the file is not specified. Returns a status or error message from the refresh operation.


Provides a brief status from the daemon. All output is sent to stderr. The status lists:

Environment Variables


To run staradmin properly, set this variable.