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exagent-Control the Agent Technology Example Agent

Valid on Windows, z/OS

exagent starts and controls the Agent Factory example agent.

Note: For a description of how to build the example agent, see installation/implementation topics.






exagent start [--instance=instName] [-t topDirectory] [-i interval] [-l log_level] [-f logfile] [-s]

Sample z/OS JCL

This sample JCL requests the cmd /tmp instance of exagent to be started with /tmp as top directory under which all monitored directories are found. It also requests a log level 4 with the log messages sent to the LOGFILE DD statement.

//stepname   EXEC PGM=EXAGENT,
 // PARM='/ debug --instance=/tmp -t /tmp -l 4 -f //DD:LOGFILE'


If the --instance and -t parameters are not specified, exagent runs without MIBMUX.

If you run multiple instances of exagent, specify the same names for the --instance and -t parameters to get consistent information displayed by the awservices status command and other commands such as orbctrl and agentctrl.

Command options:


Instance name as awservices know it. This name appears on the display of the awservices status command.

-t topDirectory

Top-level directory under which all monitored directories must be found. The real instance name for the agent. It is used as instName parameter on the AWF_RegInstance function call.

-i interval

Interval for the main exagent task in seconds.

-f logfile

Name of the file where log messages are sent.

-l log_level

Message level for log messages.


Uses the store instead of Register for Get Agent.