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delkeep-Acknowledge Held Console Messages

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

Acknowledges held console messages and removes them from the held message display. This command is an alternative to similar functionality performed with the console GUI.

Note: Only one message is acknowledged at a time.


delkeep  [options] message-text



Deletes all kept messages.

-n node

The CAICCI sysid of the computer where the command is sent for processing.


The text, or partial text with wild cards, of the held message to be removed from the display. On UNIX/Linux, the message text must be enclosed in double quotes.


delkeep INFO0001W*

This example removes from the help display all messages beginning with the text "INFO0001W."

Authorization is performed to verify that the user ID has rights for this action. This validation occurs before a command, reply, or acknowledgment is executed from the Console GUI using the oprcmd, careply, or delkeep commands, or by a message action.

If CA NSM security is inactive, the user ID issuing the command must be listed in the Users authorized to issue commands environment variable. This list is a setting that is edited in the Configuration Settings notebook, on the Event Management Preferences page.

If CA NSM security is active, the user ID must have explicit permission to execute that command. To do this, a rule must be created for the asset type CA‑CONSOLE-COMMAND.

Note: Wild cards can be used.