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The LOAD (or IPL) command requests a LOAD or initial program load (IPL) operation in an LPAR. This command cannot be directed at the current LPAR. Only an LPAR entity can process this command. The IPL command is a synonym of the LOAD command.

Operands on this command allow for both the traditional CCW-based and the new list-directed (SCSI) IPL operation.


{ LOAD | IPL } [ TYPE={ CCW | LIST } ]
               [ FORCE={ NO | YES } ]
               [ ADDRESS=address ]
               [ PARM=parm ]
               [ FOLD={ YES | NO } ]
               [ WWPORT=value ]
               [ LUNUM=value ]
               [ BOOTPGMSEL=number ]
               [ OPSYSLOADPARM=value ]
               [ BOOTRECBLKADDR=value ]



Load (IPL) type:

Default: CCW


(Optional) Controls whether a LOAD can be done while the LPAR is executing.

Default: NO


(Optional) Address to load (IPL) from.

Default: Load address in the activation profile

Limits: Four hexadecimal characters


(Optional) Parameter to pass to the loaded system. The value can be quoted if you use embedded blanks in the value. The value is uppercased unless FOLD=NO is also specified.

Default: Parameter in the activation profile

Limits: One through eight characters


(Optional) Controls the folding to uppercase of the PARM and OPSYSLOADPARM parameter values. Specify FOLD=NO if you do not want the values of these parameters to be uppercased.

Default: YES, fold the values to uppercase.


(For a list-directed load (TYPE=LIST) only) Specifies the World Wide Port Name to be used when performing a SCSI Load. The value is a string of hexadecimal characters (0 through 9 and A through F). The string must have an even number of characters.

If TYPE=CCW is specified (or defaulted), this operand is ignored.

Limits: 16 characters


(For a list-directed load (TYPE=LIST) only) Specifies the logical unit number (LUN) to be used when performing the SCSI Load. The value is a string of hexadecimal characters (0 through 9 and A through F). The string must have an even number of characters.

If TYPE=CCW is specified (or defaulted), this operand is ignored.

Limits: 16 characters


(For a list-directed load (TYPE=LIST) only) Specifies the boot program selector to be used for the SCSI Load.

If TYPE=CCW is specified (or defaulted), this operand is ignored.


(For a list-directed load (TYPE=LIST) only) Specifies the operating system-specific load parameters to be used for the SCSI Load. If the value must contain blanks, enclose the entire value in quotes. The value is uppercased unless FOLD=NO has been specified.

If TYPE=CCW is specified (or defaulted), this operand is ignored.

Limits: 256 characters


(For a list-directed load (TYPE=LIST) only) Specifies the boot record logical block address to be used for the SCSI Load. The value is a string of hexadecimal characters (0 through 9 and A through F). The string must have an even number of characters.

If TYPE=CCW is specified (or defaulted), this operand is ignored.

Limits: 16 characters