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A stand-alone utility program that is invoked through standard z/OS JCL, as follows:

Note: Sample JCL is located in .CAW0JCL(CAS9DCMR).

//jobname  JOB  job card information
//                     PARM='DCM(dcm1,dcm2,…,dcmn)'
//                       DISP=(NEW,PASS),
//                       UNIT=SYSDA,
//                       SPACE=(TRK,(5,1)),
//                       DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,RECFM=FB)
//DCMLIB     DD  DSN=dcm-library-dataset-name,DISP=SHR
//SYSIN       DD  *
utility control statements

The only allowed utility control statement is the DCM statement which identifies which DCMLIB members are mapped:


There can be more than one DCM control statement.

Any statement that contains an asterisk (*) in column 1 is treated as a comment. The comment is printed on the input statement report, but the information in the card is ignored.

The DCM control statements can be provided from the following different sources:

  1. If only one control statement is needed, the SYSIN DD statement can be omitted. The required DCM control statement can be passed from the PARM field on the EXEC card.
  2. The SYSIN DD statement can provide multiple control statements.
  3. Control statements can be passed in the PARM field and from the SYSIN DD statement. In this case, the statement that is passed in the PARM field is processed first, and then all the ones that are contained in the SYSIN data stream.

The output from the program is divided into four parts:

  1. A listing of all the processed control statements and any associated error messages with them or the DCM members referenced
  2. A map of the Event Tables defined in the DCM.
  3. A map of all the fields that are contained in each of the Event Tables.
  4. A series of comments and DROP TABLE SQL commands that can be passed to the DBSQLPR utility provided with CA Datacom/AD. These statements are written to the SYSPUNCH DD statement if it is present. If the SYSPUNCH statement is omitted from the run, no error message is produced nor are the DROP TABLE statements generated.

    Note: We recommend that you only use the DROP TABLE SQL commands to REPLACE a DCM.

    Note: If the CAIENF DCM (CAS9DCM0) is chosen to report on, no DROP TABLE SQL statements are output for this particular DCM. Because some of the CAS9DCM0 event tables are required for CAIENF to function properly. If you ever replace CAS9DCM0, the replacing code from a PTF or a new CCS release, provides specific instructions and sample JCL to perform the replacement.