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The $SRV_ILOG_STAT routine returns information about ILOG files.




No operands are expected and none are passed.

Returned Data

Data is returned on the stack. Each line represents one ILOG subfile. The first character in each record is the delimiter character. This character is used to separate the returned fields:

  1. The ILOG file number.
  2. The ILOG subfile number.
  3. DDname associated with the ILOG subfile
  4. Status of the file:

    Subfile is not available for use.


    Subfile must be dumped and reset or only reset before it is available.


    Subfile is full but has been reset.


    Subfile is in use.


    Subfile is empty and available for use.


    Subfile has not been opened or has been closed.

  5. The total records currently in the subfile.
  6. Percent of subfile that is being used.
  7. Date stamp of the first record in the subfile. The format is yy/mm/dd.
  8. Time stamp of the first record in the subfile. The format is hh:mm:ss.
  9. Date stamp of the last record in the subfile. The format is yy/mm/dd.
  10. Time stamp of the last record in the subfile. The format is hh:mm:ss.

Return String

This routine returns the number of records added to the stack.


call $srv_ilog_stat
limit = result
do i = 1 to result
   parse pull 1 d +1 ilog (d) subfile (d) ddname   ,
         (d) status (d) records (d) percent   ,
         (d) sdate (d) stime (d) edate (d) etime (d)
   end i