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CAHCHECK Command Reference

This table contains an alphabetical list of CAHCHECK commands that you can pass to the CAHCHECK address space using the MVS MODIFY (F) operator command.


CANCEL taskname

Terminates a task that is not responding to a STOP or DELETE command. Use the CANCEL command only as a last resort to end a health check owner task. Use the STOP command to stop the check or use the DELETE command to totally end the check owner's task and all of its health checks. While most CA Health Checks complete their function quickly, some CA Health Check routines run longer. The health check task is normally allowed to complete, so it may take longer to respond to the STOP or DELETE than you might expect. If the health check task does not respond, you can issue the CANCEL command to completely end the task and free up any associated storage. This may leave data sets allocated that you must free manually using the DEALLOC command.

DEALLOC DSN=data.set

Deallocates data sets that are currently allocated to the CAHCHECK address space. If DDN= is specified, only the one data set identified by the DD name is freed. If DSN= is specified, every occurrence of an allocation for that data set name is freed.

DELETE ownertask

Use the DELETE command to terminate a hosted health check owner. Unlike the STOP command, which suspends the task, the DELETE command causes the hosted health check owner to go through final termination and it cannot be restarted. Consider using the STOP command to allow the health check owner to be started again later.

D A,DSN=data.set
D A,DSN=data.set.qual*

Displays the data sets allocated to the CAHCHECK address space. If DSN= is specified, all allocations that match that fully qualified data set name are displayed. If the trailing asterisk (*) is specified, all data sets that match the name up to the asterisk are displayed.


Displays any events that the CAHCHECK address space is monitoring.


Displays the initialization settings that are in effect.


Displays the list of modules that comprise the CA Health Checker infrastructure (CASHCCMN and CASHCLPA) followed by the modules that comprise the CAHCHECK address space (CASHCPVT). The CSECT components are displayed with their assembly date and time and maintenance level.


Displays the current options in effect.


Displays the health check owners being hosted in the CAHCHECK address space. You can specify the DETAIL parameter to produce much more detailed display of health check owners. You can also display the information on a single check owner using the NAME= operand.


Displays the various tasks being managed within the CAHCHECK address space. Some of these tasks are required by the CA Health Checker infrastructure to manage the CAHCHECK address space itself, while others are used to manage the hosted health check owners.

HELP command

Displays help about the commands that CAHCHECK supports. If issued with no operands, the help summary is displayed. You can get more detailed help on a given command using the command name as the HELP operand.


Sets the control settings for the CAHCHECK address space. DEBUGMSG= can be set to YES activate debug messages or NO to suppress them.


Alters control settings for a given health check owner. You can turn debugging and tracing on and off to cause the health checks to produce additional diagnostic information when they run.


Shuts down and automatically restart the CAHCHECK address space when the RESTART parameter is specified. This recycles the CAHCHECK address space in one command. When the RESTART parameter is omitted, this command shuts down the CAHCHECK address space without restarting. You can also use the MVS STOP (P) command to shut down the CAHCHECK address space without restarting.

START taskname

Use the START command to restart a task that was stopped with the STOP command. Use the DISPLAY TASKS command to display the tasks being managed in the CAHCHECK address space. Any task whose status is "Stopped" may be started with the START command.

STOP taskname

Use the STOP command to suspend a task. Any task that is considered crucial to the CA Health Checker infrastructure is not eligible to be stopped. Any hosted health check task can be stopped. Stopping a hosted health check frees any data set that was allocated by the health check owner and any of its health check routines. This is useful when there is contention with a data set allocated to a given health check owner task.