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list—List Images Registered at OSIM Manager

This action list provides a list of boot and OS images currently registered at the OSIM manager.

The syntax of the action is as follows:

image	action=list
[{bootImage | osImage}]

Specifies a name of an image. Only the images that meet the specified name are listed.

If not coded no name check takes place.

{bootImage | osImage}

if bootImage is coded then the images reported have to be boot images, if only osImage is coded then the images reported have to be OS images, and if none of them is coded then both types of images are reported.


If this option is coded then also the default settings for the boot parameters are listed.

The command provides an output list on stdout of the following format:

[Detailed] List of Images [({bootImage|osImage})]
[Name: <name>]
Image name....................: «name of image 1»
...Image type.................: {boot image | OS image («osType»)}
...Status.....................: (registered | detected}
...Image FIPS capability......: (compliant  | noncompliant)
...SD package name............: «sd package name of the image»
...SD package version.........: «sd package version of the image»
...SD package comment.........: «comment stored with the package»
[...Locale....................: «the locale of the image»
...Batch file.................: «name of the batch file»]
...Support Boot Image Type....: <<Support boot image type and boot server mode>>
......<name of param 1>.......: «default setting for parameter 1»
......<name of para m>........: «default setting for parameter m»
Image name....................: «name of image n»

The information in parenthesis is available for OS images only. Further more the information about parameters is only printed when "detailed" is coded. If the status is "detected" all subsequent information is skipped.