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listTargets—List Targets Registered at Boot Server

This action lists those targets registered at the specified boot server.

The syntax of the action is as follows:

bootServer	action=listTargets
[{managedOnly | unmanagedOnly | ADSOnly}]

Specifies the name of a boot server.


Optional. If specified then only OSIM managed systems are reported.


Optional. If specified then only OSIM registered but unmanaged systems are reported.


If specified then only ADS managed systems will be listed.

Note: If neither managedOnly nor unmanagedOnly nor ADSonly is coded then the systems will not be filtered for being OSIM managed or OSIM unmanaged.

The command provides an output list on stdout of the following format:

List OSIM Targets assigned to «boot server name»
Target name..............................: «name of target 1»
..MACAddress.............................: «MAC address»
..Status.................................: {OSIM managed («status» |
...........................................OSIM unmanaged | ADS managed}
Target name..............................: «name of target n»
..MACAddress.............................: «MAC address»
..Status.................................: {OSIM managed («status» |
...........................................OSIM unmanaged | ADS managed}