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Credentials File Syntax

Any line in the credentials file starting with ‘#’ is treated as a comment and is ignored.

The Credentials file consists of a number of target specifications, each on a separate line. Each target specification has the following form:

[<Targets>] [/tu [user]] [/tp [password] | /ep [encrypted password]]

The order of elements in a target specification is not significant.


This parameter specifies the target computers for deployment. It can take one of the following forms:

/ip <address>

A single computer names or IP address.

/ip <address>,<address>, …

A comma-separated list of computer names or IP addresses in any combination.

/ip <IP> /toip <IP> [/domain <domain>]

A start and end range of numeric IP addresses. If the domain option is specified, deployment is only attempted to addresses in the IP range which correspond to computers in the named domain. Domain evaluation is only supported when using a deployment manager hosted on the Windows platform.

/domain <domain>

A Windows domain, the constituent computers of which are to be the deployment targets.

/uri <uri>

A Universal Resource Indicator specifying a directory container, the constituent computers of which are to be the deployment targets.

/query <query_name>

If /query is specified, the list of targets will be generated when the unmanaged asset query identified by <query_name> is run.

/tu [user]

This parameter specifies the target user name. This is the id used to connect to target computers when performing the initial push of DMPrimer. The user id value is applied to all addresses specified by the <targets> element of the target specification. If the user name is omitted, its value will be requested by dmsweep or the deployment wizard when a deployment is attempted using the credentials file.

/tp [password]

This parameter specifies the password of the target user. If the password is omitted, its value will be requested by dmsweep or the deployment wizard when a deployment is attempted using the credentials file. If the /tp option is omitted entirely from a target specification, a default password is used.

/ep [encrypted password]

This parameter specifies the password of the target user in encrypted format. This option alerts dmsweep to this fact and the password is decrypted before use.

If <targets> is not specified on a line, the /tu and /tp values specified on that line are treated as default values to be used in all cases, where /tu and /tp are omitted on target specification lines lower down the credentials file. It is possible to specify multiple default user and password values in a credentials file, but only the latest ones are in effect at one time.