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showAttr—Show Manager Atributes

Use this action to list the attributes of the manager.

The action has the following syntax:

manager	action=showAttr

Specifies the name of the manager of which the attributes will be listed.

If not coded then the manager is taken with which the CADSMCMD is in session.


Name of the domain the manager belongs to.

Output format:

The information listed is formatted as follows:

Attributes of manager “«manager name»”
Manager name..:.....«name of the manager»
..Manager type......:......{domain|enterprise}
..Manager address...:......«manager address»
..Created at..:.....«yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS»
..Last modified at..:......«yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS»
..Domain database name.....:......«database name»
....Network address.:......«database host name»
....Instance..:.....«database instance»
....Database type...:......{MS SQL|Ingres|Oracle}
....Name.....:......«component name»
......Version:......«component version»
....Name.....:......«component name»
......Version:......«component version»
[..Enterprise database name.:.....«enterprise database label»
....Enterprise database address...:.....«enterprise database address»]
[..Sub domain database name:......«sub domain database label»
....Sub domain database address...:......«sub domain database address»
..Sub domain database name.:......«sub domain database label»
....Sub domain database address...:......«sub domain database address»]