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renewjob—Renewing a Job

The renewjob command renews a failed job. This command is valid only when issued from the domain manager.

This command has the following format:

task={install | activate | configure | uninstall}
[deliverytime="yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm" ]
[attime="yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm" ]


procedure=procedure_name ]
[deliverytime="yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm" ]
[attime="yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm" ]

Specifies the Specifies the date and time when the action will be started.

The date has the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm".


Specifies the name of a calendar, which specifies the periods where deliveries are excluded


Specifies the optional unique name of a job container that contains the jobs to be renewed.

The parameters item, version, and procedure are optional when cname is coded:

If the latter ones are coded, only the jobs of the container, identified by these parameters, are renewed.

If they are not coded, then all renewable jobs of the specified container are renewed.

If cname is not coded, then the job to be renewed is the first renewable job found that meets the specification of the parameters item, version, installedWith, procedure, and task.


Specifies the start time of delivery from the domain manager.
The date has the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm".


Specifies the name of the install procedure.

The job to be renewed has been installed with this procedure.

The parameter is ignored, if cname is coded.


Specifies the name of the item. The job to be renewed has to deal with this item.


Specifies the name of a procedure. The job to be renewed has to deal with this procedure.


If "runAtShutdown" or "runAtShutdown=y" is coded, the job's execution will start at shutdown only.
If "runAtShutdown=n", the job will start at any other time too.
If the parameter is not coded, the default is given by the related procedure's job option value.
This parameter is for Unix targets only.


Specifies the type of task to be performed by the item procedure.

The procedure to be recovered has to deal with a procedure of this task type.


An installation procedure.


A configuration procedure.


An activation procedure.


An uninstallation procedure.

The parameter is ignored, if cname is coded.


Specifies the timeout specifies the expiration period of a job in the form “h” where h the number of hours. The range of the parameter is configurable at the manager’s site. When the specified value exceeds the configured upper limit then the value is set to the upper limit, if the specified value goes below the lower limit then the lower limit is taken. No warning is given in any case.
timeout should not be coded with the jobTimeout parameter otherwise an error is reported. If none of the parameters is coded the default is given by 168


Specifies the version of the item being deregistered.


Specifies the custom administrator message for a renewed job in a job container.


Specifies the custom administrator message for a job container.

Note: The first job in Error Status in the job list, that matches the item, version, procedure, and installedWith parameters, will be selected for the renew operation, which uses the procedure specified by the procedure parameter.

Note: In the "cname" -variant of the command the parameter block item, version and procedure are optional. If they are not coded, all jobs of the container that can be renewed will be renewed.