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create—Create Target Computer

This action creates a target computer at the domain manager.

This action has the following format:

targetComputer  action=create
computertype={machine|user profile| staging server | docking_device}
[user= user] 
[phone= phone] 
[location= location] 
[comment=comment] }
[softwaremanagedsystem [={y/n}] <default = n>]
[racpolicy={common | disabled | deferred | automatic} <default=common>] 
{[macaddress=mac_address] |
[bootserver=boot_server_name] macaddress=mac_address
osimage=os_image_name }

Specifies the network address of the computer.


Specifies the name of the boot server the computer is attached to.


Specifies the name of the calendar that drives the activities at the target computer


Optional parameter where you can place a comment about the computer.

For instance, information not available in the Computer Attributes or Installation register.

The comment can hold 255 characters.


An identifier, which can be one of following types:


The specified target is a computer system. It is assumed that a SD agent will be installed on the system.

user profile

Specifies a user profile for a target computer system.
The name of the user profile has the following format:
For example, a user "john" on system "doe" results in the name "doe/john".
The specified computer must be already defined to DSM when the user profile is created.
The type user_profile replaces the former types "domain_user" and "local_user" which have become obsolete. If they are coded they are mapped to the type user_profile.

Note: The following parameters will be ignored by CADSMCMD when being invoked for ‘targetComputer action=create computerType=“user profile”’:

- Address

- bootServer

- hostName

- macAddress

- os

- osImage

- stagingserver

staging server

The created target computer is a scalability server. It is assumed that SD is installed with this target.

docking device

The created target is a docking device. It is assumed that the address specified is the name of the docking station and that SD is installed with the systems.


Specifies the host name of the computer.

If not coded, the name of the target computer is used as default.

Note: The parameter “HostName” can only be modified as long as the specified target system has not been registered from the network.
If the system has already been registered, error CMD00149 is reported: “The target has already registered. The operation is not allowed.”


If coded, specifies the location of the computer.


Specifies the MAC address of the system.


Specifies the name of the target.

The name of the target is of one of four types, depending on the value of the "computertype" parameter.

For example, if computertype= is from {machine| staging server| docking device}, then target is a computer system and its name is the name of the computer in the network.

If computertype=user profile, then the name of the user profile is composed of the machine name and the user-id separated by a slash. The user-id can be local machine user-id or a domain user-id.


Specifies the operating system type of the target.

For valid values for OS, see Usage of regproc.

The value that is set when creating a target (for instance, Any) will, in current SD server environments, be replaced by the current OS value of the computer when it registers automatically.


Note: For an up-to-date list of supported operating systems and their releases, issue the regproc command or the targetcomputer action=create command in verbose mode.


Specifies the name of the OS image that is assigned to the system created in a planned configuration.

Before activating the configuration to be installed at the target computer the OS image should become available at the boot server attached to the target computer.

This parameter should only be coded with the macAddress parameter. If the installation order should be deployed in advance also the bootserver should be coded.


If coded, specifies the phone number or email address of the computer user.


Optional parameter which specifies the Reinstall after Crash (RAC) policy of the system.

The following values can be used:


The common policy will be used for this computer.


RAC is disabled on this computer. No job container is set up for this computer. However, its installation records in the installations folder on the SD server will be marked as removed, when the SD agent of the computer reports a new OS installation (by a changed UUID).


A RAC job container will be created. It can be reviewed and modified, since it has to be activated manually.


A RAC job container will be created and activated, starting the delivery of job orders to the computer.

Default = common.

Note: If you try to change the RAC policy of a computer when it is in the offline mode, the cadsmcmd targetComputer action=modify command generates an error message.


This optional parameter marks a target computer as Software Managed System.


Specifies the name of the scalability server.

If coded the target computer to be created is assumed to be connected through the specified scalability server. The scalability server must already be known to the SD.

Note: If this option is not coded, the Domain Manager is becomes the default scalability server.


If coded, specifies the name of the user.

Note: For pre-registration of computers to be managed by OSIM, use the macaddress and osimage with targetcomputer action=create command.