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listViolators—List Violators of Unsealed Software Policy

This action lists all the violators of unsealed software policy. If the policy is not sealed then the request is rejected.

The syntax of the action is as follows:

swPolicy	action=listViolators
[swpScope={distributed | local}]

Name of the software policy of that the violators are listed.


This option determines the type of software policy involved in the action.

«not coded»

If there is a locally created software policy of the required name then this one is taken, if not it is looked for a policy distributed from an enterprise manager. The latter is on domain managers only.


The specified software policy has to be a policy created at the enterprise manager and distributed to the addressed manager.


The specified software policy has to be a locally created policy.

Note: On enterprise manager all software policies have to be of type local.


The separator is a character that is used for separating the different output fields in the lines of the listings. The default separator is “:” (colon).

The output list with default separator looks as follows:

List of Violators for Software Policy «software policy name»
Computer Group Linked: «computer group name»
«name of violator 1»:{Computer | User Profile}
«name of violator n»:{Computer | User Profile}