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showAttr—List Attributes of Software Policy

This action lists the attributes of a software policy.

The syntax of the action is as follows:

swPolicy	action=showAttr
[swpScope={distributed | local}]

Name of the software policy of that the attributes will be listed.


This option determines the type of software policy involved in the action.

«not coded»

If there is a locally created software policy of the required name then this one is taken, if not it is looked for a policy distributed from an enterprise manager. The latter is on domain managers only.


The specified software policy has to be a policy created at the enterprise manager and distributed to the addressed manager.


The specified software policy has to be a locally created policy.

Note: On enterprise manager all software policies have to be of type "local".

The list of attributes has the following format:

Attributes of the Software Policy «software policy name»
Policy type	: {distributed|local}
State	: {disabled|not evaluated|evaluating|not conformant|conformant}
Comment	: «comment on the policy»
Priority	: «priority of the template»
Associated group	: «group name»
Group type	: {global|local}
Last evaluated	: «yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM»
Violators	: «number of violators»
Linkage	: {batch|transaction|
synchronized|no linkage}
Cascade install	: {yes|no}
Degree of automation	: {conformity check|setup jobs|setup and activate jobs}
Regeneration of jobs	: {yes|no}
Dynamic group evaluation	: {yes|no}
Activation time	: «yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM»
Enterprise time driven	: {yes|no}
Evaluation period	: «evaluation period»
Evaluation calendar	: «calendar name»
Adhoc evaluation	: {disabled|on new inventory only|always}