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addItem—Add Jobs to Unsealed Local Software Policy

This command adds jobs to an unsealed local software policy. The jobs to be added can be specified either by procedure or software groups, by a file containing all necessary information, or by directly passing the information for a job with the call. In case of a successful addition, the policy can be optionally sealed with this action.

This command has the following format:

swPolicy action=addItem
[task={activate | configure | install | uninstall}]
[after={exacttime | boottime}]
[preaction={none | reboot | logoff}]
[postaction={none | reboot | logoff | rebootAtEnd | logoffAtEnd | shutdownAtEnd}]

The name of the software policy the jobs will be added to.


This option specifies the name of a software or procedure group. The members of the group are used to add jobs to the software policy.

If this option is not coded no groups are evaluated for populating the created software policy.

The group option should not be coded with the procedures or item option.


This option specifies the name of a file that contains the procedures for generating the jobs for the software policy. For each job to be created and assigned to the policy an entry of the following syntax has to be created in the file:

item=item_name version=item_version
task={activate | configure | install | uninstall}
[after={exacttime | boottime}]
[preaction={none | reboot | logoff}]
[postaction={none | reboot | logoff | rebootAtEnd | logoffAtEnd | shutdownAtEnd}]

There should be only one entry per line and an entry should not span over more than one line. The entry has to begin with the parameters “item”, “version”, “procedure” and “task” and they have to appear in this sequence. The order of the remaining parameters is arbitrary. Parameter values containing blanks should be enclosed in quotes (“). If a parameter value contains a quote is should be duplicated.

For the meaning of the parameters please see the option "descriptions" below.

The procedures option should not be coded with the "group" or "item" option.


Specifies the name of a registered item product. The job will be generated for this item and added to the software policy.

The item option should not be coded with the "group" or "procedures" option.


Specifies the version of the item specified that is used for the job generation.


Specifies the type of procedure for which the job will be added to the software policy. The following task types are valid:


The procedure selected is an activation procedure.


The procedure selected is a configuration procedure.


The procedure selected is an installation procedure.


The procedure selected is a un-installation procedure.

If the option is not coded then "install" is default.


Name of the item procedure that is used for generating the job to be added to the software policy


If specified then it is the name of an installation procedure of the item specified. The job to be generated is only executed on those machines where the item is installed by this specified procedure. This parameter is ignored if the job to be added is an installation job itself.

If the option is not coded then the way the item is installed is not checked.


This option specifies when the job execution will start at the target systems. The following values are valid:


The procedure starts processing as soon as the order has fallen due.


After falling due the processing of the procedure is deferred until the next (re-)boot time.

The default is “exacttime”.


If “reinstall” or “reinstall=y” is coded then the item will be reinstalled at the targets each time the software policy evaluates. If “reinstall=n” is coded or the option is missing then the item will only be installed if it is missing at the targets. The option is valid for install procedures; for any other type of procedure this option is ignored.

preaction={none | reboot | logoff}]

Specifies any actions that must take place before the related job is processed at the target computers. The valid pre-actions are:


Performs no pre-actions.


Restarts the system before executing the job.


Logs off the users before executing the job.

If this option is not coded, the default is given by the item procedure’s options.

postaction={none | reboot | logoff | rebootAtEnd | logoffAtEnd | shutdownAtEnd}]

Specifies any actions that must take place after the related job is processed at the target computers. The following post-actions are valid:


Performs no post-actions.


Restarts the system after executing the job.


Logs off the users after executing the job.


Specifies that the job requires a reboot after it has been processed. But the reboot can be deferred until all other jobs resulting from the same evaluation of the software policy have been processed or a subsequent job requires an immediate reboot before or after its processing.


Specifies that the job requires a user to log off after it has been processed. But the logoff can be deferred until all other jobs resulting from the same evaluation of the software policy have been processed or a subsequent job requires an immediate restart or logoff before or after its processing.


Shuts down the target computer after completion of the jobs.

If this option is not coded, the default is given by the item procedure’s options.


If “promptUser” or “promptUser=y” has been specified then the user at the targets is prompted before the job is executed. If “prompt=n” is specified then the job is executed without any user prompting.

If this option is not coded the default is given by the item procedure’s options.


If “allowCancel” or “allowCancel=y” is specified then the user at the targets can cancel the execution of the job when being prompted for execution. If “allowCancel=n” is specified then the user cannot cancel the job.

For enabling the cancel the prompting must be allowed. Otherwise an error is reported.

If this option is not coded the default is given by the item procedure’s options.


If “execTimedOut” or “execTimedOut=y” is coded then the processing of the job is automatically started when the user prompting times out. If “execTimedOut=n” is coded then the job does not start at time out.

For enabling the start at time out the prompting must be allowed, otherwise an error is reported.

If this option is not coded the default is given by the item procedure’s options.


If “offline” or “offline=y” is coded then connection between the target and the associated server will be released for the job’s execution; if “offline=n” is coded the connection is not released.

If this option is not coded the default is given by the item procedure’s options.


If “runAtShutdown” or “runAtShutdown=y” is coded then the job is only executed at system shutdown; if “runAtShutdown=n” is coded then the job is also executed at any other time it falls due.

If this option is not coded the default is given by the item procedure’s options.

This option applies to UNIX only.


If “preventLogon” or “preventLogon=y” is coded then a user logon attempt at the targets is rejected while the job is running. If a user is already logged on when the job starts then execution is deferred until the user logs off.

If “preventLogon=n” is coded then the processing of the job does not care whether a user is logged in or tries to login during run time.

If this option is not coded the default is given by the item procedure’s options.

This option applies to Windows targets only.


If “triggeredByScalSrv” or “triggeredByScalSrv=y” is coded then the scalability servers associated with the targets initiate the job’s execution. If “triggeredByScalSrv=n” is coded the target initiates the execution at time of reboot or jobCheck.

Default is “triggeredByScalSrv”.


If “globalTime” or “globalTime=y” is coded then all dates associated with the job are based on enterprise manager time, otherwise it is based on domain manager time.

Default is “globaltime=n”.


Specifies the name of the calendar that is responsible for driving the delivery of the job to the scalability servers and targets.


If “noCalendar” or “noCalendar=y” is coded a possible execution calendar attached to the target computers will be ignored for the job processing. If “noCalendar=n” is coded then the calendar is taken into account.

Default is “noCalendar=n”.


If “resolveQuery” or “resolveQuery=y” is coded and the group associated with the software template is a query group then this group is re-evaluated before the job is created. Otherwise no re-evaluation takes place.

Default is “resolveQuery=n”.


If “stagingserver” or “stagingserver=y” is coded the related item is staged at the scalability servers that are associated with addressed targets otherwise it is not staged. The option is ignored if the procedure is not an installation procedure. If it is not coded or “stagingserver=n” then the staging step is skipped.

Default is “stagingserver=n”.


Specifies the parameters that are passed to the procedure of the job. If an empty string is coded then it is assumed that there are no parameters.

If not coded then the user parameters are taken from the item procedure’s options.


Specifies the time period in which the user will be re-prompted for the job execution start at the target when the user defers the execution. The period’s format is “d.h” where "d" means days and "h" means hours and the range is 0.3 <= d.h <=7.0.

If the specified value is fallen below the allowed minimum then the minimum is set and if it exceeds the maximum then the maximum is set. No warning is given in these cases.


Specifies the expiration date of the job in form of a time period. The period’s format is “d.h” where "d" means days and "h" means hours. The range of the parameter is configurable at the manager’s site.

If the specified value is fallen below the allowed minimum then the minimum is set and if it exceeds the maximum then the maximum is set. No warning is given in these cases. If not coded the default is given by 7.0.


If “repeat” or “repeat=y” is coded then the related job is repeated every time an evaluation takes place. If “repeat=n” is coded the related job is not repeated.

Default: is “repeat=n”.


If “seal” or “seal=y” is coded then the policy is sealed after the jobs have been added otherwise it remains unsealed for further modifications. The seal is only performed when the generating and adding of all required jobs has been successful and no errors have been reported for any jobs. Warnings for jobs generated do not suppress the seal.

Default is “seal=n”.


Specifies the custom administrator message for a job in a software policy.

Note. When the jobs added are given by a group or the procedures file then an error detected during the job generation is reported for the related job and the process continues with the generation of the next job. No rollback is performed.