Previous Topic: removePolicyFromConfig—Remove Policies from ConfigurationsNext Topic: showConfig—Show a Configuration


To remove the policies “anotherPolicy” and “HideSystray” of type “computer” from the configuration “myConfig” invoke:

cadsmcmd comConf action=removePolicyFromConfig
policies=(anotherPolicy,computer) policies=(HideSystray,computer)

The information recorded by the cadsmcmd on stdout might look as follows:

CA IT Client Manager r12
ITCM Command Line Version 12.8.0.xxxx
Copyright (c) 2014 CA. All rights reserved.

Trace mode: Off

Connecting to manager "<default manager>" as user "<default user>" ...OK.
Domain: myDomMgr
Domain type: Domain
Supporting: CO CCNF USD OSIM

Configuration myConfig, AF2BB414-2D11-11DB-A2C8-8DB9D78218A7.
Policy removed : anotherPolicy, COMPUTER,0C165644-2D16-11DB-A2C8-8DB9D78218A7
Policy removed : HideSystray, COMPUTER,BBD3174E-2D06-11DB-A2C8-8DB9D78218A7
SDCMD<A000000>: OK