Previous Topic: listJobs—List JobsNext Topic: restore—Restore Product from Archive


The following information will be shown:

C:\>cadsmcmd local mydomain swlibrary action=listjobs item=tstprod version=1.5 procedure=inst

CA IT Client Manager r12
ITCM Command Line Version 12.8.0.xxxx
Copyright (c) 2014 CA. All rights reserved.

Trace mode: Off

Connecting to manager "<default manager>" as user "<default user>" ... ok.
Manager: mymanager
Domain: mydomain
Domain type: Domain
Supporting: CO CCNF USD OSIM 

List of jobs "tstprod 1.5:inst" 
Job name........: tstprod 1.5:inst
..Job identifier........: 19438
..Job state........: ERROR
..Job order number........: 0
..Job task........: 1 - install
..Creation date........: 2006-02-14
..Creation time........: 11:13
..Delivery date........: 2006-02-14
..Delivery time........: 11:13
..Activation date........: 2006-02-14
..Activation time........: 11:13
..Targetsystem........: ZZZZZ01A
....Computer job identifier........: 19472
....State........: EXECUTION_OK
....Error message........: OK
....Error cause........: 0
....Completion date........: 2006-02-14
....Completion time........: 11:18
..Targetsystem........: ZZZZZ01B
....Computer job identifier........: 19470
....State........: EXECUTION_ERROR
....Error message........: Exit code 2 indicates possible error
....Error cause........: 228001
....Completion date........: 2006-02-14
....Completion time........: 11:14
Job name........: tstprod 1.5:inst
..Job identifier........: 19454
..Job state........: OK
..Job order number........: 0
..Job task........: 1 - install
..Creation date........: 2006-02-14
..Creation time........: 11:14
..Delivery date........: 2006-02-14
..Delivery time........: 11:13
..Activation date........: 2006-02-14
..Activation time........: 11:14
..Targetsystem........: YYYYY
....Computer job identifier........: 19481
....State........: EXECUTION_OK
....Error message........: OK
....Error cause........: 0
....Completion date........: 2006-02-14
....Completion time........: 11:18
..Targetsystem........: XXXX01
....Computer job identifier........: 19479

....State........: EXECUTION_OK
....Error message........: OK
....Error cause........: 0
....Completion date........: 2006-02-14
....Completion time........: 11:14

SDCMD<A000000>: OK

To list jobs that are in ERROR state, enter following command.

cadsmcmd swlibrary action=listjobs item=tstprod version=1.5 procedure=inst filter=”Job state=ERROR”

The list returned is as follows:

List of jobs "tstprod 1.5:inst" 

Job name........: tstprod 1.5:inst
..Job identifier........: 19438
..Job state........: ERROR
..Job order number........: 0
..Job task........: 1 - install
..Creation date........: 2006-02-14
..Creation time........: 11:13
..Delivery date........: 2006-02-14
..Delivery time........: 11:13
..Activation date........: 2006-02-14
..Activation time........: 11:13
..Targetsystem........: ZZZZZ01A
....Computer job identifier........: 19472
....State........: EXECUTION_OK
....Error message........: OK
....Error cause........: 0
....Completion date........: 2006-02-14
....Completion time........: 11:18
..Targetsystem........: ZZZZZ01B
....Computer job identifier........: 19470
....State........: EXECUTION_ERROR
....Error message........: Exit code 2 indicates possible error
....Error cause........: 228001
....Completion date........: 2006-02-14
....Completion time........: 11:14

SDCMD<A000000>: OK