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addUndelivery—Add Undelivery to Job Container

This action adds a job to the specified job container that removes the specified software products from the addressed scalability servers. The specified job container has to be unsealed.

This action has the following format:

jobcontainer action=addUnDelivery
version=item_version| group=software_group_name}
{{compgrp=computer_group_name | ccompgrp=(computer_group_name sep groupScope)}
[deliverytime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm" ]

Specifies the name of the calendar that controls the time when the evaluation can take place.


Specifies the computer group to be addressed as a pair of group name and scope. By default, name and scope are separated by a dot ("."), but an alternate separator can be specified with the "sep" option. The separator should not be used as part of the names.

For the group scope only the following values are valid.


The group is created at the local domain manager,


The group has been created at the enterprise manager and may be replicated.

The "ccompgrp" can be coded with the "compgrp" in one call.


Specifies the name of a server group on which the specified product will be processed.

The parameter can be coded more than once to address more than one server group.

The parameter must not be coded with the computer parameter.


Specifies the name of the scalability server on which the specified product will be processed.

The parameter can be coded more than once to address more than one scalability server.

This parameter must not be coded with the compgrp parameter.


Specifies the start time of delivery from the domain manager.
The date has the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm".


Specifies the name of a software group: Its members will be removed from the specified scalability servers.

This parameter should not be coded with the item parameter.


Specifies the name of the item to be processed.

This parameter must not be coded with the group parameter.


Specifies the jobTimeout expiration period of a job in the form “d.h” where d specifies the number of days and h the number of hours. The range of the parameter is configurable at the manager’s site. When the specified value exceeds the configured upper limit then the value is set to the upper limit, if the specified value goes below the lower limit then the lower limit is taken. No warning is given in any case.
jobTimeout should not be coded with the timeout parameter otherwise an error is reported. If none of the parameters is coded the default is given by 7.0.


Specifies the name of the job container to which the un-delivery to the scalability servers will be added.


Specifies an alternate separator used with the "ccompgroup" option. The separator should not be part of the group name code with the "ccompgroup" options.


Specifies the version of the item to be processed.