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add—Add Server to Server Groups

This action allows you to add servers to a server group.

This action has the following format:

servergroup action=add 
{{{server=server_name |
qserver=(server_name sep domain_name)}} 
| addall} 

Specifies the name of the server group to which the servers will be added.


Specifies the server as a pair of server name and the name of the domain to which it belongs. By default, the names are separated by a dot (".") but an alternate separator may be specified with the sep option. The separator should not be part of the names.

The qserver can be coded with the server in one call.

This server will be added.


Specifies an alternate separator used with the qserver option. The separator should not be part of the names coded with the qserver options.


Specifies the name of a scalability server to be added to the group.


All scalability servers, which exist at creation time, are added to the group.

Note : The parameters for addressing a scalability server (target) can be coded more than once to address more than one scalability server.