Previous Topic: CADSMCMD Command Line InterfaceNext Topic: cadsmcmd Commands


Due to essential changes with Client Automation Release 12.9 the CLI is not 100% compatible with its predecessors. Some of its commands and actions have become obsolete. They are no longer described in this documentation. If they are invoked, the CLI returns a warning indicating that this command or action has become obsolete. The warning is written as a message to stdout:

SDCMD<CMD000118>: Warning: Function is obsolete

The return code passed to the calling script is 0.

The information returned by some commands or actions have been changed due to the information available in Release 12.9:

If the secured object is of security class "SoftwarePackage," specify the name and the version in the following format:


If «name» contains blanks, enclose «name»|«version» in quotation marks:



name testPackage and version 1.0


name CA ITCM Manager and version 12.0

soname="CA ITCM Manager|12.0"