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Supported MDB Object Types

The following table includes the MDB objects that MDB Admin Console supports:

MDB object type




Area Definitions

On import, Area Definitions are not linked to Security Profiles. This means that the relationship between the Area Definitions and Security Profiles is not imported into the target MDB.


Security Profiles

Export includes the corresponding security class permissions for each security profile



Export includes the corresponding object permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.

The reference of the Query to its parent Query folder is maintained in the target database with the import. This requires that the parent Query folder already exist in the target database.

Create the Query folder manually. The import operation does not create this folder.


Asset Groups

Export includes the corresponding object permissions and group member permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.

In case of a dynamic group, the relationship to the query is maintained in the target database with the import. However, this requires that a query with the same name already exists in the target database.

The reference of the Group to its parent Groups is maintained in the target database with the import. This requires that the parent Groups already exist in the target database.

BoPolicyQuery Based

Query-based Policies

Export includes the corresponding object permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles do exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.

The relationship of the Query-based Policy to the query is maintained in the target database with the import. However, this requires that a query with the same name already exists in the target database.

The relationship of the Query-based Policy to an Action is not maintained by the export/import.

Subfolders of the Query-based Policy folder are not maintained.

BoPolicyEvent Based

Event-based Policies

Export includes the corresponding object permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles do exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.

The relationship of the Event-based Policy to an Action is not maintained by the export/import.

Subfolders of the Event-based Policy folder are not maintained.


Software-based Policies

Export includes the corresponding object permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.

The relationship of the Software-based Policy to the Software Delivery Jobs is maintained in the target database with the import. However, this requires that the respective Software Delivery packages and procedures already exists in the target database.

Software Delivery Library packages referenced by the Software-based Policies of the source MDB should be made available in the target MDB prior to the import. Software Delivery Library packages can be exported and imported using the corresponding methods which the EGC GUI provides or using the CADSMCMD command line interface.

The reference of the Software-based Policy to Asset Groups is maintained in the target database with the import. However, this requires that the respective Asset Groups already exist in the target database.

BoSoftware Group

Software Groups

Export includes the corresponding object permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.

The reference of the Software Group to its parent Groups is maintained in the target database with the import.

This requires that the parent Groups already exist in the target database.

BoProcedure Group

Procedure Groups

Export includes the corresponding object permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles do exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.

The reference of the Procedure Group to its parent Groups is maintained in the target database with the import. This requires that the parent Groups already exist in the target database.


Software Definitions

Export includes the corresponding object permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.

Export includes the Software Definitions but not the related data like software signatures, manufacturer information, and categories. You must use the Content Utility, which is available with the Client Automation releases r12.5, r12.5SP1, r12.5SP1 C1 and r12.8 in combination with the MDB Admin Console to export and import all of this data.

Note: Only user-defined Software Definitions are supported with the export operation.

You must first use the Content Utility to export data from the source MDB and import it into the target MDB. Then use the MDB Admin Console for the Software Definitions. The MDB Admin Console export includes the corresponding object permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles do exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.

Note: Software Definitions can only be exported and imported between MDB databases of the same Client Automation release. For example, you can export data from an r12.5 MDB and import this data only into an r12.5 MDB.

BoPolicy Computer

Configuration Policies

For the export of configuration policies, you must install the MDB Admin Console on the DSM manager machine where you plan to run the export. This is because MDB Admin Console uses the functionality which is available on the manager.

Export includes the corresponding object permissions with respect to the security profiles. In case the security profiles exist in the target MDB, the import applies these permissions to the imported objects.