Previous Topic: showAttr—Show Attributes of Target ComputerNext Topic: Job Management Commands


The following command provides the list of attributes of the target computer "newComp" :

cadsmcmd targetComputer action=showattr name=newComp

CA IT Client Manager r12
ITCM Command Line Version 12.8.0.xxxx
Copyright (c) 2014 CA. All rights reserved.

Connecting to manager "wwwww01b" as user "<default user>" ...OK.

Show attributes of target computer
Computer name..........................: newComp
Computer type..........................: computer
Network address........................:
Operating system.......................: Win XP Intel
Operating system type..................: WIN_XP
Calendar name..........................:
Staging server name....................: stage_01
Software Managed System................: Yes
RAC policy.............................: common
Creation date..........................: 2005-04-15
Creation time..........................: 15:43
Change date............................: 2005-04-15
Change time............................: 15:43
Is boot server.........................: No

sdcmd<a000000>: OK

Example for non-ADS devices:

Show attributes of target computer
Computer name..........................: mySystem
Computer type..........................: computer
Host name..............................: mySystem
Primary network address................:
IP address.............................:
Operating system type..................: ANY
Staging server name....................: my-DSM-stage
Calendar name..........................:
Software Managed System................: No
RAC policy.............................: common
Creation date..........................: 2006-09-20
Creation time..........................: 16:42:39
Change date............................: 2006-09-20
Change time............................: 16:42:41
MAC address............................: FF:01:23:45:67:8A
Is ADS device..........................: No
Current configuration..................:
Activated configuration................:
Planned configuration..................: myWinXP
Attached to boot server................: my-DSM-stage
Is boot server.........................: No

Example showing the attributes of an ADS managed system:

Show attributes of target computer
Computer name..........................: name=myADSdevice
Computer type..........................: computer
Host name..............................: name=myADSdevice
Primary network address................:
IP address.............................:
Operating system type..................: ANY
Staging server name....................: myManager
Calendar name..........................:
Software Managed System................: No
RAC policy.............................: common
Creation date..........................: 2006-09-20
Creation time..........................: 13:57:12
Change date............................: 2006-09-20
Change time............................: 13:57:14
MAC address............................: FF:01:23:45:67:89
Is ADS device..........................: Yes
ADS server name........................:
Is boot server.........................: No

Example showing the attributes of an OSIM managed system:

012: targetcomputer action=showattr name=HUMPFA 
Command is processed ...
Show attributes of target computer
Computer name..........................: HUMPFA
Computer type..........................: computer
Network address........................:
Operating system.......................: Windows 
Operating system type..................: WINDOWS_16-BIT
Calendar name..........................: 
scalability server name................: 
Software Managed System................: No
RAC policy.............................: common
Creation date..........................: 2005-03-27
Creation time..........................: 11:04
Change date............................: 2005-03-27
Change time............................: 11:04
MAC address............................:
Current configuration..................: 
Activated configuration................: w2kp_ger
..Activation time......................: 2005-03-27 11:00:47
..Status...............................: stopped
..Wake up..............................: 1
..Restart..............................: 1
..Wait for server......................: 0
..Wait for image.......................: 0
Planned configuration..................: 
Attached to boot server................: 
Is boot server.........................: No

sdcmd<A000000>: OK

The wake up attribute indicates, if a wake up is to be performed or not, and the restart attributes indicates, if a restart is automatically scheduled or not.

If wakeup or restart are specified, then "1" is shown, otherwise "0".

If a “Wait for server” shows “Required” then the OS installation request is deferred until the target is assigned to a boot server.

If “Waiting” is shown then the request has fallen due but is deferred because of the missing boot server.

If the entry “Wait for server” is missing then either no delay has been required or a boot server is already assigned.

If a “Wait for image” shows “Required” then the OS request is deferred until the related boot and OS images are staged at the related boot server.

If “Waiting for boot image” is shown then the related boot image is not staged at the boot server and the request is deferred although it has fallen due already.

If the “Waiting for OS image” is shown then the related OS image is not yet staged at the bootserver and the request is deferred although it has fallen due already.

If the entry “Wait for image” is not shown then either no request for delay has been specified with the request or all required images are available at the boot server.