Previous Topic: listFailed—List Failed Job ContainersNext Topic: listrenewals—List Renewals


To receive the list of failed containers, enter the following command:

cadsmcmd jobContainer action=listFailed

The following information is shown:

List of job containers
jc_DeliveryTrace (failed)
jc_DeliveryTrace_SS (failed)
jc_ss_wwwww (failed)
Number of job containers found:........4
Number of job container shown:........3
SDCMD<A000000>: OK

To receive the list of failed containers, starting with jc_d* using filters, enter the command:

cadsmcmd jobcontainer action=listfailed filter="Job container name=jc_D*"

The following information is shown:

List of job containers
jc_DeliveryTrace (failed)
jc_DeliveryTrace_SS (failed)
Number of job containers found:........4
Number of job container shown:........2
SDCMD<A000000>: OK