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Cadsmcmd jobcontainer action=list

The following information is shown:

List of job containers
HHHHH01B [2/4/2003 03:50:26 PM] (successfully completed)
SD scalability servers [04.02.2003 15:42:39] (failed) (in progress)
Number of job containers found: 2
Number of job container shown:  2

To list the job containers starting with "HH", enter the following command:

cadsmcmd jobcontainer action=list filter="Job container name=HH*"

The following information is shown.

List of job containers
HHHHH01B [2/4/2003 03:50:26 PM] (successfully completed)
Number of job containers found: 2
Number of job containers shown: 1
SDCMD<A000000>: OK